
Oil Cooler

I upgraded to an Airflow Systems 2007X oil cooler and previously installed the modified mount. I made spacers for the bolts from AT6-058X5/16 and installed the oil cooler. I used a short bolt for the lower right as a full… Read More »Oil Cooler

Front Seats

I ordered my finish kit in August 2021 and the front seats finally arrived. The seat foams are still on back order but at least I have the frames. Unlike the old seats, these require assembly. The box had unfortunately… Read More »Front Seats

Matco Wheels

I chose to delete the Van’s Grove wheels and brakes from the kit and upgrade to Matco I Series wheels and brakes. I also deleted the tires and tubes and purchased Desser retreads. The complete list of parts that were… Read More »Matco Wheels

Flap System

I had previously prepared the fuselage flap system parts but I hadn’t installed them as I wasn’t sure what I needed to paint at the time. I primed the interior of the torque tubes and installed the parts. This section… Read More »Flap System