I am installing Heat Shield Products Lava Mat on the firewall to help mitigate heat in the tunnel. I don’t know how much it actually helps but it adds a layer between the heater bypass valves and the tunnel and should reduce heat conductance.
I had previously laid out my firewall components and installed firewall passthroughs and nutplates. I also sealed the firewall recess and other gaps with 3M Fire Barrier 2000.
I used wrapping paper to make a template and used this to mark all of the components.

I purchased the 36″ x 47″ piece and there was just enough to cut out a strip for firewall recess. I overlapped the sides of the recess with flaps cut from the main piece.

I left the backing on the top section as I need to rivet the forward upper into place first.

I then riveted the oil cooler mount into place and attached the various components to the firewall.