The Aerosport carbon fiber overhead console has two removable panels for installing lighting, etc.
I planned out the layout of these panels to get a better idea of the wiring that I will need in the overhead.
I have also chosen to install the Mountain High 4ip oxygen distributors in the overhead. The oxygen hoses (for cannulas) will hang down from the overhead while in use. I chose this location over other options (center console, side panels, etc.) as those locations would require longer hose runs and might make maintenance more challenging (especially if in the center console).
The forward part of the aft panel will house two eyeball lights. I found some Prima eyeball dome lights on eBay. I removed the eyeball components from the mounting flanges they came with. I also purchased latching push buttons for passenger control. These were cleaner to install than the rectangular toggles that came with the lights and have a ring backlight. I’ll connect those to the GAD 27 lighting bus to operate them at a faint glow.
The aft part of the panel will house the passenger oxygen distributors. There is sufficient clearance behind the joggle in the cabin top to mount them in this location.

I marked the panel and cut out the holes. The oxygen distributors are rear mounted so I tried to keep these holes as clean and precise as I could.

I flipped the covers and riveted #6 nutplates to the oxygen distributor mounting brackets.

I used some scrap aluminum fuel line to make spacers for #6 1.5″ flat head screws (MS24693BB36). The O-ring that comes with the distributors allows them to be rear mounted while sealing the opening (necessary to stop air leaks flowing over the sensor in the distributors).

The panel is slightly too thin for Prima lights to fasten securely so I 3d printed some TPU gaskets to secure them and seal from air leaks.

I also made holes for mounting eyeball lights in the forward panel. I’m planning on installing the oxygen distributors at the rear of this panel. I then realized that it would make sense to install the emergency oxygen switch in this location (with a toggle cover so it can’t be bumped). Installing the switch here simplifies the oxygen tubing as I would no longer have to bring those hoses all the way to the instrument panel. It also allows me to keep all of the hoses together in a short run from the rear into the overhead console.

I don’t have my seats or seatbelts yet so I didn’t commit to these being the final location for the headset and seatbelt hangers (but it looks like these locations will work).
I now have a good handle on the wiring/oxygen routing in the overhead so I’m ready to add some conduit to the inside of the console before I mount it permanently.
I’ll be painting the panel inserts black for the final install.