I installed access panels near the steps so that I can access the step bolts in the future. This also gives me access to inspect beneath the baggage floor. I used the Airward access panels.
I moved the panels as far outboard as I could and made sure that they wouldn’t interfere with the baggage compartment side panels or the floor stiffeners.

After match drilling the doubler I drilled the corners and rough cut the opening with a jig saw.

I then finished and shaped the edges and corners with a series of files.

The hole position looks like it will work well.

Two access panel holes complete! Both fit nicely.

I then decided to fabricate some baggage floor tie-downs. The inspiration came from Randy Vanstory but I chose to align them to the baggage floor ribs for additional strength. This is easy to do at this stage as I could match drill them via the floor panels.

Now time to start deburring and dimpling the various parts..