I finished all of the remaining riveting of the ribs and bulkheads in the aft fuselage.
The outboard seat rib subassemblies get riveted first with flush rivets (the side channels overlap this area).

The side channels are then riveted into place.

Then the outboard foot well ribs.

The remaining ribs are then riveted to the rear spar bulkhead assembly.

The fuselage bulkhead is then riveted to the seat ribs. Step 9, page 26-6 has you dimple two holes on the ribs/bulkhead so I completed that first before riveting. I’m not sure why that step is listed last as I encountered no problems doing it first. Doing it last would have required dimpling two layers together.

Once this riveting was complete I riveted the baggage bulkheads into place.

I then riveted the step mounting brackets to the outboard baggage ribs and set the keeper rivets to hold the ribs in place until the side skins are attached.

Amber helped me stand the assembly up so that I can start working on the bottom skins in the next work session. This assembly is starting to get pretty big!