I have been under strict orders from my Chief Inventory Officer to not open the crate until she could be present.
We broke into the crate today and started to inventory the contents.

The top of the crate came off quickly and we got our first look at the cabin top. The project continues to get more real.

We added the new sections to our plans binder…

… and laid out the 14 pages of the inventory checklist to begin marking things off.

Trying out the rear seating area.

The cabin top provides some perspective on how big the airplane will be.

We completed the inventory for everything but one box (the one that contains rivets, bolts etc.). That one will take a while so we left it for another day.
The sheer quantity of parts in this crate is a bit overwhelming.. but one step at a time. The parts are a lot more sturdy in general than the parts in the empennage kit and involve a lot more 1/8″ rivets.

The forward center section bulkhead was marked as back-order. I have the aft bulkhead so I can start on that section of the plans.