I will be installing interior panels from Aerosport Products.
The forward panels need some trimming so I decided to rough fit these now so I can get a better idea of how all of the components will come together in the final fit and finish. This will also give me a better idea of the clearance I will have for running wires etc.
I marked hole positions and then drilled through the panels into the flanges of the side channels. I dimpled and put nutplates in these locations.

I chose to use 5 screws per panel as this gave me a solid fit around the pocket area. The screws have caps that cover the heads which I’ll add later.
I shaped the aft flange to fit around the door sill.

I rough trimmed the upper portion to follow the curve of the profile that I added to the A pillar for conduit. It looks like this will all align neatly with the forward fuselage upper skin later and I’ll do the final fitment once that is riveted into place.

The side panel tucks neatly under the edge of the 310 panel.

I’ll do the final finishing of the A pillar when I finish the cabin top. I have a small gap to fill between that and the side panels.

The location of the A pillar conduit looks like it will work well.

I had to trim the side panel to fit the 310 panel bracket and to clear the NACA duct.