I finished up the remaining riveting on the aft bulkheads this evening.
I set all of the rivets with the factory head on the forward side of the aft bulkhead. All of these were set with a bucking bar.
I then trimmed, drilled, and riveted the wear strip to the top flange.
After this assembly was completed, I moved on to the rear spar bulkhead assembly.
There are variety of parts to rivet together here. I set the nutplate rivets with the squeezer.
I also set the rear spar attach bar rivets with the pneumatic squeezer, shop head facing aft per the plans.
I set the idler rivets with a bucking bar.
The gusset rivets were tricky and I used the squeezer where I could. The remaining were set with a couple of different bucking bars.
Next up was the fuselage bulkhead assembly. There are 12 rivets here that were easy to set with the squeezer.
I installed the snap bushings and finished up this assembly.
I still don’t have the forward center section bulkhead so I’ll move on to priming the seat rib subassemblies next.