I continued with the nutplates for the bellcrank rib angle. I set these rivets with the pneumatic squeezer.

I then decided to back-rivet the bellcrank ribs to the skins before attaching the rib angles.

I then riveted the angles to the frames with the squeezer.

When riveting the frames to the F-1007 bulkhead I also attached the Garmin yaw damper bracket.
I was previously going to hold off on attaching the bracket but the rivets closest to the skin would be challenging to get to once the aft top skin was in place so I decided the rivet the bracket to the frame now.

Next up were the rivets at the aft deck.
I checked again for twist before riveting the skins to the longerons below the aft deck. Everything still looks nice and straight.

After riveting the skins I started on riveting the deck to the longerons.

I got partially through these rivets before having to finish up for the day.