I started to work on tailcone riveting this evening.
I completed the riveting of elevator bellcrank/battery mount assembly but I didn’t rivet the battery brackets into place yet. I plan to use an EarthX battery so I’ll likely need to make some modifications to the battery mount.

The frame/bulkhead riveting was straight-forward and I completed all of the rivets with the pneumatic squeezer.

The forward bulkhead gets match drilled to the fuselage later and the bottom portion is only clecoed into place for now.

I then started assembling the tailcone for riveting. I am inserting the clecos on the inside so that I can back rivet as much as possible.

I inspected everything as I went and found a single hole that I missed while dimpling. Oops but easy fix. Always worth double checking before setting rivets.

I have a few more parts to cleco into place but that’s enough for tonight. Feels great to start getting this back together.