After finishing up the mid fuse bulkhead I returned back to the forward fuselage. These parts had been primed previously and were ready to rivet.
I started with riveting the spacer and nutplates to the side channels.

I then riveted the nutplates to the forward fuselage bulkheads.

Next, I riveted the attach angles to the forward fuselage ribs. It would have been easier to set these first (before adding the nutplates) so I’m not sure why the plans have you rivet the nutplates first. I was able to manoeuver the pneumatic squeezer in here to set the rivets that are directly beside the nutplates.

I then riveted the nutplates to the top rails of the forward fuselage bulkheads.

Finally, I riveted the seat rail supports to the forward fuselage bulkheads. The rivet count in the plans here doesn’t add up so this took a bit of head scratching. Also, the countersinking step on page 28-10 leaves out a hole that needs to be countersunk. After fitting everything up and looking ahead, I countersunk the two additional holes and set the rivets.

I haven’t deburred, dimpled, and primed the bottom skin yet so it’s time to transition back to parts prep mode again…